Sunday, November 7, 2010

Conservative Women's Luncheon November

The most wonderful time of the month.  Yes it was again the time of the Conservative Women’s Network Luncheon.  I am not even kidding; this luncheon is my favorite by far.  And it’s not only because the food is amazing, which it is.

The Conservative Women’s Luncheon is held once a month at the Heritage Foundation and sponsored by the Clair Booth Luce foundation.  The women I intern for invites me, which is how I always am able to go. 
This month’s luncheon was a panel discussion about the election and women’s roles within it.  The panel discussed current issues and addressed if and how much of an effect they would have on the upcoming 2012 election.

The first speaker began with a few statistics, which I was surprised about.  She explained how women in this election flipped significantly, from voting heavily democratic to republican.

The second speaker address the role healthcare played in the election and furthered the previous speakers comments, building by stating that not only had women flipped, but elderly women have moved substantially from the democratic ticket to become republican voters.  She commented the reason for this switch being the healthcare bill and elderly women realizing the great impact it will have on them.

The discussion also led to women leaders, those who were elected and those not.  This part of the discussion focused on what the election of new women in Congress and governor positions will mean in terms of women playing a more prominent role in our government. 

The luncheon was very interesting and informative.  I must tell you, it is a good way to spend a Friday lunch break: hearing amazing women discuss important issues, followed by delicious food.  

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