Tuesday, November 9, 2010

DC luck

Ah, so I just finished the rough draft of my research paper.  I feel so relived.

What is really amazing about DC is the way things can happed here.  My research project is in regards to Head Start.  Yesterday, my class had a guest speaker who mentioned in passing that he was the coordinator of a Head Start program.  So I emailed him and asked if I could meet up and ask him a few questions.  Today he responded and I was able to interview him, just in time to add his information to my rough draft.     

It is strange, but it seems like DC is very much of the whole, being in the right place at the right time.  And I love that I can randomly run into someone who can answer exactly what I am looking for. 

DC is definitely the city of luck.  And if you have it, you can really get a lot done.  But then again, what is luck but the ability to exploit accidents?

Ok, so the rough draft is done, but alas, it is pretty rough.  So I guess I should get back to the editing process.  So much fun.  Really though, I do think this is the best part. 

Just had to tell you all about my little bit of luck.  Now back to the grindstone.  

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