Monday, November 15, 2010

My Sister's Visit

My sister was here this past weekend.  It was really fun.  She came on Thursday and we walked from Chinatown down to my house.  I showed her around Capital Hill, which is beautiful at night. 

I had my internship on Friday, so she saw all the sights and monuments on her own.  Then I took her to Good Stuff for dinner.  Good Stuff is a burger joint, but it’s not a typical burger joint.  The burgers are specialty burgers, which my sister was not prepared for.  She was so overwhelmed; she ended up ordering a salad.  Typical small town girl in a big city just can’t handle the pressure of ordering a crazy burger.  (I hope you enjoy that Cassie.)

Then on Saturday we went to Old Town in Alexandria.  We walked around and saw a few neat shops.  There was a really cool used bookstore I liked.  I also took her down to the waterfront and we got homemade ice cream.  Then we got dinner down in Alexandria in an Italian restaurant.     

She left on Sunday though, unfortunately early in the morning.  I had to wake up super early and see her off at Union Station.  But it’s not too bad, because I will get to see my whole family when I go home next weekend.  I like DC, but I can’t wait to go home for Thanksgiving. 

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