Thursday, September 16, 2010

Congressional Love

So DC weather is just fab.  This morning it was beautiful, on my walk to class; all I needed was a light cardigan and I was perfect.  Then an hour later on the walk back, I was really hot, so when I changed to go back to campus, I decided to wear a skirt and light top, no jacket.  Which I must say was a perfect fit for the weather, until I had to walk back to the metro about two hours later.  No, the perfect summer outfit I was wearing (with no jacket, real shoes, or umbrella) was no mach for the cool, cool rainy weather that I endured on my trek back to Capitol Hill.  That was just lovely, thank you DC.

But clothes and weather aside, I have been having a good past week. My American Politics class was able to meet several very interesting speakers, including Congressmen.  Yesterday and today we were able to meet Representatives, one Democratic and one Republican.

Of course these two had very different views on almost everything, but one thing that they both agree upon, was above all else, attitude and ethics.  I thought this was very interesting.  Both mentioned that there has been an unpleasant tension and unworkable atmosphere in this Congress.

What I found the most interesting about this was the fact that both parties, the majority and minority, both not only noticed and acknowledged this uncomfortable setting, but both want it to change so that Congress can begin to work together again.  Both guest speakers also mentioned how compromise is needed in order to run a government effectively and pass any type of legislation.

This was the most interesting because while the economy was what both mentioned as the biggest issue to be tackled, and neither agreed on how to tackle that issue, what they seemed the most concerned about was this issue of respect for fellow members of Congress.  And on that issue, they both claimed the same way to fix it: compromise.

So, what lesson have I learned from my guest speakers, to listen to others.  To understand other's views.  And to realize that many, just many, there are bigger issues in DC than the weather.  Maybe if we stop focusing on our own misfortune, we can ban together and find a solution to our similar problems.  Ones that actually need to be focused on.

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