Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nationals Game

For WISH housing, our coordinator set up for us to all go to a Nationals game, and like in a previous post, I expressed my love for baseball.  And the best part is that it was free!  Like a said in my last post free stuff is always better.  It was a really nice event to put on.  It got us all to get together and get to know each other.    

Getting to the game was eventful as well.  Trying to herd seven people together on a Friday night, is difficult and then ensure that no one is completely sure of where they are going and you will have a great time trying to make a bus.  By the time we found the bus stop it was approaching the stop and we were like, "oh no," and decided that we had to run the last block to make it.  But we made it, so it was ok.  And then, when we got to the stadium me and one of the girls I was with got separated and it took us a good ten minutes to find our seats.  (By the way, if you are lost in a stadium, just hope you find your way because every employee we asked for directions from told us to go different ways.  All wrong.)

The game was good too.  We were sitting on the opposite side of the stadium this time, so it was neat to see the field from another angle.  But the Nationals lost this time, which was too bad, especially because everyone I was with was rooting for the Marlins.  Actually the game was pretty close, other than the two runs the Nationals gave away at in the beginning of the first inning.  At the end of the game the Marlins made a few errors, so that was good to watch and point out to my company.

It was really cute though, because there was this family in front of us and one little boy had his 6th birthday, so all his little friends were lined up in the seat in front of us.  Like I said, all the people I was with were rooting for the other team, and one little boy turned around and told them they were cheering for the wrong team and they needed to stop.  

What was really cool was that at the end of game there were fireworks and apparently they do that every Friday.  I love fireworks, it's like I'm a little kid again and I'm back in my Grandma's backyard on the Fourth of July.  The fireworks were really good to, they were long and there were a ton of the big ones that just pop, which is what real fireworks are.    

On the way back, we decided that we didn't need to take the bus because we were only half a mile away.  Looking back now, it might not have been the best idea, but it wasn't bad.  Actually, it was pretty nice to go for a long walk after a baseball game.  A good end to the night.

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