Friday, September 10, 2010

Woman's Conservative Luncheon

My internship boss sent me an email inviting me to the September Woman's Conservative Luncheon at the Heritage Foundation.  I thought it seemed like a fun idea, so I RVSPed and went today.

I am so glad I did because it was really cool.  Amanda Carpenter was the speaker and she was so interesting.  She spoke about her career and how she worked her way through school and worked to become a journalist and eventually the Senior Communication Advisor and Speechwriter to Senator Jim Demint.  She was a really good speaker, very engaging and funny.

I got to the speech early and I had the chance to speak to Amanda for a short while and she was so nice and really personable.  (Advise when going somewhere, also go early, you never know who you'll have the chance to meet and talk to.)

After the speech though was a free lunch, which was sweet.  There was so much food.  I feasted on sandwiches, pasta, salads, and cookies.  (Don't judge me, I'm a college student in DC, I was eating for the day.)  It was actually a networking luncheon, so I met quiet a few women, which was very great because I enjoyed meeting these women.

New lesson I learned here in DC: have no fear.  Go to everything and do everything you are invited to.  Networking is well worth it and even if you don't meet anyone, free meal.  And in DC take all the free stuff you can get, especially food.

Going to social events were never my thing, I have always been a really shy person, but here, you have to be outgoing.  If you go to an event and sit in the corner, you never get anything out of them, you need to introduce yourself to everyone and find out who they are.

Well, that was my little preaching moment.  Back to normal.  I'll just say good speaker + free food= awesome time.    

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