Monday, September 6, 2010


So, putting ten girls into a house together with a fuse that can blow when a hair dryer is used causes great adventures.

The women in charge of our housing sends all of us an email warning us to make sure we know where the fuse box is and tells us to make sure that we aren't overusing the energy because it will, and yes she told us that hairdryers will, blow a fuse.  Did I heed that warning?  Of course not.  Did I look for the fuse box?  No.  Did I have electricity when I came home last might and tried to get ready for bed?  I think you can see where this is going.

Lesson learned, when you are warned about your house, make sure you listen, these people are here for a reason, to make sure you aren't in a situation like I was.

The really bad part about it is that I forgot, well didn't really think about the fact that our upstairs had no  electricity, but didn't worry about it because we have these nice huge windows that brighten my room and bathroom all day.  And since I spent most of the evening in my downstairs living room, it didn't occur to me that no electricity upstairs meant for a very dark shower.  So about a half hour ago I decided to find our fuse box and not be stupid.  The only clue I had was that it was behind a hidden door in my downstairs.  That helps.  Yes helps me look like a fool pushing on every wall in my downstairs hoping it would pop out.  So when my roommate came out and looked at me, I admit I most likely looked mildly foolish.  And what did she tell me?  Well, the fuse box that I had been looking for for the past 2 days was behind a bookshelf.  Of course she knew where it was and of course it didn't occur to me to ask her.  Ok, maybe I was foolish, not to look for it before hand, but behind a bookshelf?  I never would have guessed that.

So fuse box found.  All that was left was playing the game of "which switch do I flip now?" leaving me flipping one and then running up three flights of stairs to see if it worked.  Four attempts and one kick butt workout later, my roommates and I have awesome electricity.

You know, you truly take advantage of what you have until you can no longer plug in your computer and listen to music.  And straightening your hair, forget it.  Yeah, I used photobooth on my computer for that one (no mirrors downstairs).  Necessity is the mother of invention.      

But all is good now, we figured out our first living-on-our-own-have-to-maintain-a-house-and-not-blow- out-a-fuse adventure.  Now onto figure out how to make endnotes into numerical order instead of roman numeral.  Oh, Washington adventures, I feel like such an adult now.

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