Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Break

So, American University provides a fall break for all its students and it just so happened that that fall break was today. It is kind of cool, because a lot of my roommates are taking advantage of that break and invited some friends from their home schools to come visit them, because conveniently for them it was their fall break too.

Now, I know what you're thinking, or at least what I was thinking when my roommates mentioned they were coming.  Where are they staying?  But no, luckily, they all got hotel rooms.  My sanity and the sanity of my oppressive compulsive side thanks you.

It is pretty cool though, because while I do not know them it is always nice to see new people.  And I don't know if I mentioned this before or not, but about half my house is from the same school, so I kind of feel like I do them from how much I hear about them.

And the best part of it all?  They are pi phis, just like me.  Pi Beta Phi is my sorority, and one of my housemates is one to.  (It's cool to see how we are all connected.)  So when her friends come to visit her, that means I get to meet even more pi phis.  I'm really excited to hear about what different things they do in their chapter and what we all do the same.

Ok, I'm going to let you go now, because I have to go enjoy my FALL BREAK!  Have fun.

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