Friday, October 22, 2010


Fall is in the air.  Being from the Midwest fall is my favorite time of year.  It is the time for hayrack rides, corn mazes, and HALLOWEEN!  Of course, corn mazes and bonfires are not an option here in DC, but I discovered a different kind of fall (one that still includes Halloween, I’m not giving that one up). 

In DC, fall is different.  You can walk down brick sidewalks and check out small little shops selling hot chocolate and warm pie.  You can walk down the national mall and see the beautiful view of the leaves turning colors in front of Capital Hill.  And you can still enjoy the pleasant, crisp air when you go for a morning run.  I know I sound cheesy, but fall is my favorite season, and I love that I can enjoy it, just in different ways. 

Fall in DC is all about the end of one time and the beginning of another.  Maybe that is why I love it so much, because it’s much like what I am going through now.  It is only October, but I know that in a few weeks my time here will be done and I will be moving on to something else.  I have felt like I have been here so long, but now, the time is changing and my experience here is winding down.  I have greatly enjoyed it, but I am equally loving the time now.  Now, when I know my roommates, understand the metro, and am used to DC grocery shopping. 

Fall is the time for change, to move onto new things.  I’m really excited to see what those things are, but don’t worry, I’m not calling it quits yet.  I still plan to fully enjoy my next month and a half here.  And I will fully celebrate Halloween, so get ready for that.  

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