Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Weekend

So Halloween weekend.  It was very eventful.  On Friday I went to a costume party.  I was a M&M.  I made my costume myself and I must say for no sewing machine and being forced to hand stitch the whole thing in two day it looked pretty good. 

Good for all of you to know: want a cheap costume?  Go for the M&M.  The fabric was $3. (But no I am not counting the backbreaking hours put into the sewing the processed or all the needle pricks, or the fear that the hand stitch would come apart in the middle of the night.)

Anyway, then Saturday morning I went to the Steven Colbert and Jon Stewart rallies.  That is the beauty of DC.  I wasn’t that dead set on going to the rallies, but they were literally three blocks from my house, so I went with a group.  We walked around, saw all the crazy signs and the mass amounts of people. I must say, for an effort to restore sanity, it was not to sane.  There was so many people and there was no order. 

By the time we got to the actual really, which took us half and hour to get to (yup that’s right, 30 minutes for 3 blocks), we couldn’t see a thing.  We stayed for a while, then walked down to Good Stuff to eat burgers and watch the really from a better view: a television set. 

Saturday night, I must say, people in DC do celebrate Halloween.  I rode the metro and it was an interesting sight.  I didn’t realize how many “where’s Waldos,” Snookies, or peacocks there are in the DC area.

But it is Sunday and all my fun is over.  Now it’s time to do all that homework that I put off.  Oh, what a fun night.   

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