Monday, October 4, 2010


Break time.  From what you ask?  No, of course you don't have to ask, just look at the title.  So it is midterm week.  For me at least because my midterms are a week earlier than everyone else.  I have a midterm on Wednesday and then I get to spend the weekend writing a paper, which is due on Tuesday.

But I think it might be worst for some other people, people who don't have time to take breaks.  I, in all my years at institutions of higher education will never understand how people can cram for exams and papers the day before.  My brain does not work that way.  I must take my time.  Studying for short periods of time, plenty of time in advance.

This is one of those times when I will send out my advice to all of you.  Do NOT procrastinate.  This is DC you are going to want to go out and do things.  So you do not want to be stuck inside for two days studying and miss the first two days when the weather cools down and the leaves start to change colors.  I suggest taking an hour during the week to organize yourself and go over your notes.  I know this sounds lame, but trust me, you don't want to be like me.  Stuck inside studying on a perfectly good Tuesday night, or Friday night or next Friday night.  I may not have been miss Susie on the ball, but I have learned my lesson and now I am warning you.  And I'm not even as bad as some other people I know.  Trust me stress levels are high (myself included) and that is never fun during midterms.

Advice: be smart, have fun, and manage your time wisely.  You will thank yourself when you can sit on your couch watching Mad Men and eating ice cream and your roommates are reading three books in one day.

Ok, now I will take my superior advice and get back to studying.  FUN TIMES!!!!! (Ok, I know, excessive, but I need to have some excitement in my life and shift 1 is that excitement tonight.)

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