Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Transformers Fans?

So, I know I just wrote a post, but that is the beauty of DC, you never know when something new is going to happen.

So, I'm chilling in my room.  Typical Tuesday night.  Then my roommate comes in and asks me if I want to go walk to the capital because Transformers 3 is being filmed there.  Yeah, no big deal, I just live a few blocks from a movie set.  So I throw on a pair of jeans and we walk the two blocks to the capital and wonder to the bright lights.

I have never seen a movie being made before so that was pretty cool.  A huge section of the road was closed down and there were about four cranes with huge overhead lights in the air, projecting lights for the scene.

But I must say there is a lot of standing around.  Maybe not for those involved, but definitely for those watching.  What was really cool was when this guy on the film crew came up to me and said, "you should be in film" and he let me and my friend go past the gate into the actual filming area.  (Ok, no that last part was total lie, but the rest was totally true.  I actually just stood on the outside, with all the rest of the onlookers, barricaded by a fence on my tiptoes trying to get a glimpse of the action.  

Spoiler alert: there is a scene with four cars driving down a street and at least one cop car gets dented.  I mean, I hope I didn't spoil the ending for anyone, but just thought I should throw that out there.

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