Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sudan Freedom Walk

So, as I have mentioned, I am a member of WASSA and I have talked about how the group does events and organizes the student community.  However, WASSA also does philanthropic work as well.  Last week WASSA was a sponsor of a Sudan Freedom walk.

The Sudan freedom walk was a metaphorical walk for freedom that represented a walk that Sudanese men and women have been doing all their lives throughout the 55 year war.

This walk was a two-day event.  The first night included a panel discussion and the second night was the walk itself.  The walk reached from American’s Tenley campus to Capitol Hill, a distance of almost 7 miles.  Those part of the walk made their way though Massachusetts Ave, by the Embassies, down through Dupont Circle, and even stopped in front of the White House.  Once arriving on Capital Hill, there was a greeting of the people who participated in the walk.  There was also music, including a freedom song.

This freedom walk was truly inspirational and even resulted in onlookers spontaneously joining the walk, abandoning their schedules for the day and participating in the cause.  Sonia Groff, a Washington Semester student and one of my fellow WASSA members participated in the walk.  She said it was an amazing experience and she only wished others could have had to chance to participate like she was able to.      

I know I write a lot about the fun stuff to do in DC and how I like getting to be part of the action, but I think I forget sometimes that the action can be meaningful as well.  That is the great thing about DC; you can keep yourself busy no matter what you are interested in.  If you love history, it's here.  If you want to be a part of government, check.  If you want to be a part of something amazing and spend a day walking for the freedom of every man and women in the world, well, there is a chance for that as well.   

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